The European Elections. June 6th-9th

At the beginning of June there are the European elections, when it is time to vote for what politicians will be in the European government.

Here are some resources on the European elections, on June 6-9th 2024.

  • An educational toolkit in English (see attached file). This leaflet contains information and quizzes. It is produced by, a project run by the European Parliament, to strengthen democratic life in Europe. If you would like to read, learn and work more on this topic, there is also the educational toolkit “EU Democracy in Action – Have Your Say with the European Citizens“‘, for students and teachers.
  • The nonfiction ebook Dags att rösta and a pedagogical guide connected to the ebook.The nonfiction ebook and pedagogical guide have been produced by 8 sidor, as ISGR subscribes to. The book brings up how the EU works, what parties are in the election and how to vote in the election.
  • A book display on the theme of democracy.

Please feel free to read and share these resources. 

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